Keith Haring's birth anniversary

Keith Haring 4 May 1958 On, Reading, Pennsylvania in and near Kutztown, Pennsylvania, was born. He is drawing a very early age, his father and popular culture around the basic cartooning skills, Dr. Seuss and Walt Disney, such as developing a love for learning.

In 1976 graduated from high school, the professional Ivy School of Art in Pittsburgh, a commercial arts school in Haring. He immediately felt that he had little interest in commercial graphic artist, and then the two semesters was deleted. Haring's work to study at Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Arts & Crafts Center in 1978 and continued his work in a solo exhibition.

The Keith Haring Foundation was established in 1989 and AIDS-related charity to help children, and the late artist, Keith Haring, the largest source maintains the archives.

Mother Haring bold lines and active figures of the poignant messages of vitality, and solidarity work. The legacy of the late 20th century art and grants us a vision of the future for all.

In addition to being influenced by his contemporaries, renewable energy, Haring as Jean Dubuffet, Pierre Alechinsky, William Burroughs, Brion Gysin and Robert Henri Mother's manifesto The Art Spirit, the artist was inspired by the fundamental freedom to work, insistent. The influence of graphic expression of a single type of line to Haring's primacy was able to push on toward their young impulses. A public and participatory nature of Christ as Mother drawn, especially running the fence, and Andy Warhol Mother unique fusion of art and life by a truly public art, Haring was determined to devote his career.

Self as a student, Haring performance, video, installation, and collage with the experiment, while the image is always maintained a strong commitment. In 1980, Haring was very effective medium that allowed them to communicate with large audiences they want, when they are used in the subway station advertising panels covered with matte black paper, have been found. They are for the entire subway system in this free white paper on the panel began to make drawings in chalk. Between 1980 and 1985, these public drawings in rapid rhythmic lines of hundreds, sometimes several a day, forty "subway drawings" to Haring. Images in this Seamless Flow of New York commuters, who often work from the artist when they will be close enough to become familiar with. The subway became, as Haring said, to work out their ideas and experiment with their simple lines for a "laboratory".

Haring was born in Pennsylvania on May 4, 1958. From an early age he developed a keen interest in art, and later shot to fame with his chalk drawings in the subways of New York.

Most painters and artists have their own signature style and Haring was no different. His signature style comprised of bold lines, vivid colors, and active figures that sent across strong messages of life and unity.

His most notable work is that of 'The Radiant Baby', which later also became his symbol. After his death, a musical of the same name was also created in his memory.
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