
Monday, April 30, 2012

24 Threatened lizard species discovered

US researchers identified a new species of the two dozen lizards on Caribbean islands, and about half of them may be extinct or close to extinction. Blair defense, a professor of biology at Penn State University, New Zealand journal Zootaxa in the study that was published on Monday, and Caitlin Conn, Georgia, University of navigation by the co-author. 

Animals, especially the small, simple round prasinohimiya lizard scales, thick bodies, strong necks and short legs or snake-like organizations. Museum specimens, DNA sequence and testing of animals by themselves - that is already six, and nine were recognized long before the name is invalid, but just to be considered - the team of the 39 types identified by the skink. 

Under threat of a new species of skink that Jamaica is identfied. (Joseph Burgess / Penn State University), the size of the organisms with a longer range than the other six. The discovery of a new reptile species are common, about 130 species are added each year, calculated with the world, but the authors note that researchers at more than 20 species identified since 1800. 

The lizard, however, join a club would be unappealing. More than 3,000 listed as endangered by the International Union for Nature Conservation of reptiles, including lizards prasinohimiya animals classified as threatened extinction for the quarter was likely to join. 

"We believe the mongoose a predator 'species in the Caribbean close - to - are responsible for the extinction of the situation," defense said, adding that the Indian mongoose was introduced in 1872 by sugar cane fields in the control rats. 

Mongooses, spread across the island for decades, and the defense says, is "almost the entire reptile fauna, which until now, largely unnoticed by scientists and conservationists lasted exterminated." Prasinohimiya human animals such as lizards, one year, which makes them unique among lizards in the placenta of pregnant women produce and gestate children may be more vulnerable to predators.