
Sunday, April 29, 2012

After US, no UK visa for Narendra Modi?

Under the new immigration rules for non-EU citizens accused of human rights violations may be banned from entering Britain, the Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi may be affected. 

The new rules are expected to be announced Monday, said Sunday on a report in Hindu. Human rights campaigners said on Sunday that he will demand that the proposed rules, Modi, his alleged role in Gujarat riots in 2002, can be used to keep the outside, the Hindu reported. 

South Asia Solidarity Group, said that such law in Gujarat "genocide" in the alleged role of Narendra Modi was applied must be well documented. "We as a group of other countries, Britain is not in favor of monitoring human rights abuses, but if there is one such law, be used in the Narendra Modi should be banned," the spokesman said Amrit Wilson. 

Wilson also said that many human rights groups and independent organizations including Amnesty, Mother alleged role of Modi in Gujarat, noted "genocide." "We hope in political matters, Wilson said that Modi will overwrite'' This is not the case. 

Currently, the only national security risk as it can be denied entry to Britain. However, the new rules, on Monday as part of the UK government's Human Rights Report is expected to be released, ministers in cases where "credible and reliable evidence that the individual human rights abuses committed" to allow you to refuse the visa. 

British newspaper The Observer, says that this severe torture, murder, or illegal detention, such as mean as it is officially reported human rights abuses including the "UK is to open a ticket." The British Foreign Office report on Monday morning, saying the details were embargoed until the decline. In 2003, there were widespread protests when Modi was allowed to visit Britain. In 2005, a planned visit by rights groups to obtain arrest warrants against the bid after it was called at the last minute.